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Gloucestershire Learning Alliance

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Hello and welcome!

Previously known as Gloucestershire Learning Alliance until August 2023, we are a Trust of 11 thriving primary schools.

We originally started life in 2013 as a group of three Gloucestershire schools working together  Over the last eleven years, we have expanded successfully beyond Gloucestershire, hence our recent change to being known as The GLA Trust. 

The creation of The GLA Trust was a natural progression of our belief in a partnership ethos and our determination to ensure that more young people receive an exceptional education through Quality First Teaching.

We champion over 2,600 children and over 400 teachers, leaders and support staff across our growing community of schools.

I started as the CEO of the Trust in September 2023 having previously been the Director of Academies and Head Teacher of one of our founding schools, Rowanfield Junior School. 

My decision to apply for the role of the CEO at The GLA Trust can be answered by this quotation:

‘Look at every path closely. Then ask yourself, and yourself alone the question: does this path have a heart?’

 Carlos Castaneda, The Teachings of Don Juan.

 This pathway for me has a heart – the heart being the children of the GLA. 

Our purpose 

Within the GLA we are united in our belief that all children deserve equity of education. Our consistent focus each day is to develop our people and direct our resources so that all children are safe, happy and can achieve their potential.

 Our vision 

Our aim is for every child to leave the Trust feeling proud and with a sense of confidence about their next steps. Proud to have achieved something special with their unique talents and confident to develop those talents further in the next chapter of their education.

Please do have a browse of our website and read the reports below to find out more about us as a Trust, our wonderful community of schools, how we can support you to improve outcomes for your own children and how you can join our Trust to develop your career or to become a GLA school. 

Thank you for your time, 

Claire Savory 
The GLA Trust CEO
Trust ReviewFive Year Strategic Plan